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Contract Policy Service

MASC offers a comprehensive Contract Policy Service that is designed to provide your School District with an up-to-date manual of School Committee policies.

Contract Policy Service

MASC will collect copies of all of your current district policies, handbooks, and contracts. We will then compare those policies with MASC’s comprehensive Policy Reference Manual looking to fill in holes in your district policies and provide the School Committee with policy options that are in line with law, regulation, and practice. All policies will be coded in the National Education Policy Network’s codification system.

An MASC Field Director will meet with a School Committee subcommittee and administration to review each policy. Your Field Director will assist you in ensuring that each policy aligns with current federal and state laws and regulations as well as looking at current local practices to assist the subcommittee in making appropriate policy decisions. While your MASC Field Director will advise the subcommittee, all decisions are made by the School Committee, first thru the subcommittee and then by final adoption of the full policy manual by vote of the full School Committee.

This process is time consuming. There are 12 alpha coded (A-L) sections containing approximately 400 policies in an average policy manual. Subcommittee meetings occur, depending upon the schedules of both the district and the MASC staff, about every 6 weeks to review one or two sections of the manual at each meeting.

Following review of each section of the manual, MASC staff will perform the edits necessary to prepare the sections for inclusion in the final manual.

When all sections have been reviewed and edited MASC will deliver a paper copy of the School Committee’s new manual and an electronic copy in Microsoft Word format for the district to continue to maintain its own manual.

For more information and pricing of the MASC Contract Policy Service please contact your MASC Field Director.