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Life Membership

Life Membership is a designation established to honor individuals who, through their service to the Association, have made significant contributions to the Association through participation as Board members, division officers, and/or through service on various MASC committees, and/or external statewide committees, commissions or task forces representing the interests of MASC.

Life membership shall be limited to:

Present or former school committee members who have made significant contributions to the Association through participation as Board members, Division officers, and/or through service on various MASC committees, and/or external statewide committees, commissions, or task forces representing the interests of MASC. The award of life membership is made by vote of the MASC delegate assembly at the MASC Annual Meeting.

Each president of the Association shall become a Life Member of the Association upon the assumption of office by his successor as President.

Other persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the image of the Association and have served at least one full term on a school committee may be elected Life Members of the Association at any annual meeting of the Association upon recommendation of the Board of Directors.

Candidates for election as Life Members at any annual meeting may be proposed by an active or associate member of the Association to the Board of Directors not later than July 1 and the names of candidates recommended by the Board of Directors for election as Life Members shall be included in the notice of the annual meeting at which their election shall be proposed. Life Members shall be exempt from payment of dues.