2024 Report of the Resolutions Committee

Check out the full report here: 2024 MASC Resolutions

MASC Members, Superintendents, and Board Administrative Personnel (COSCAP):

This message is intended to notify you as early as possible about the items to be presented to the 2024 Delegate Assembly so that school committees may appoint and instruct their delegates.

A Delegate Manual for the 2024 Delegate Assembly to be held on Friday, November 8, 2024 at the Emerald Village  and Conference Center, will be sent to all MASC members and board secretaries shortly.  It will include proposed resolutions on matters of public policy.

Attached is the list of resolutions that will be presented to the Delegate Assembly. It is copied from the pages of the Delegate Manual. Please pay particular attention to the following items:

On the page footnoted as Page 23, you will find the list includes a compendium of “Expiring Resolutions” that were approved three or more years ago.  Under the MASC By-Laws, these must be reauthorized this year in order to remain valid as policy of the Association.

Also, among the new resolutions is one calling for a rethinking of MCAS and how the state’s accountability system might be revised.

For your information, the Board of Directors, acting within the authority of the by-laws and in recognition that the Delegate Assembly will take place after the 2024 elections after voters determine the outcome of a particular referendum question on the MCAS graduation requirements and test, adopted unanimously a public policy statement at their meeting of June 12, 2024 as follows:

“MASC does not support the use of MCAS or any other high stakes test as a requirement for a graduation diploma. 

“Further, we support school districts setting the standards to determine the individual requirements to determine the receipt of a graduation diploma.”

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact MASC Executive Director, Glenn Koocher at gkoocher@masc.org.