Massachusetts Association of School Committees

Tag: #redboxes

Legal Alert: Updated Public Records Law

MASC General Counsel Stephen Finnegan has released a Legal Alert regarding the updated Massachusetts Public Records Law, which becomes effective January 1, 2017, highlighting the requirement for municipalities to designate one or more Records Access Officers, as well as the Chadwick v. Duxbury and Goodwin v. Lee Public Schools SJC cases.

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Charter School Resources

Charter School Funding Update

At a recent Citizens for Public Schools Forum, MASC Past President and current Arlington School Committee member Paul Schlichtman gave a detailed presentation on the crippling financial impact of charter schools on public school districts and followed with a discussion on the status of the proposed charter school legislation currently under debate in the legislature and the pending ballot question.

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Charter School Guide Preview
Charter School Resources

Fact Sheet: The #TruthAboutCharters

Need a useful guide to some of the key facts and fiction about Massachusetts charter schools? MASC’s new fact sheet uses data from the MASC Who is Being Served by Massachusetts Charter Schools? Report as well as State Auditor Suzanne Bump’s 2014 audit of DESE oversight of charters (pdf).

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MASC Special Report: Who is Being Served by Commonwealth Charter Schools?
Charter School Resources

MASC Special Report on Massachusetts Charter Schools

MASC Research Report Finds Charter Schools Significantly Underserve Special Needs, ELL, High Risk Student Populations MASC brought this and related testimony to the Joint Education Committee hearing on proposed charter school legislation in Massachusetts. For more information, see the complete MASC “Who is Being Served” report on Massachusetts charter schools and the MASC Press Release.

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