Massachusetts Association of School Committees


Ellen Holmes Photo

B. Ellen Holmes

In her twenty-third year as a member of the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School Committee, Ellen Holmes has been in the forefront of MASC’s drive to advocate for regional school issues, including concerns surrounding transportation, funding and governance. As MASC’s President, she has been a strong proponent for MASC positions on several pivotal Department of Education commissions and working groups, including the Safe & Supportive Schools Commission, Committee of Practitioners, Education Stakeholders Working Group, Adolescent Literacy Task Force and Pilot Schools Conference. Ms. Holmes has also been a forceful advocate on several MASC subcommittees, including Student Assessment; Legislative; Special Education; Advocacy; MIAA-Lacrosse (Boys & Girls); and Regional Schools, for which she served as chair 2004-2018. She has also represented MASC at the State House as a member of the Local Government Advisory Council (’08,’09,’19,’20,’21). In Boston, she has lobbied the legislature for adequate education funding, charter school reforms and regional school district needs.

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Deb Davis Photo

Deborah Davis

A 24-year member of the Northeast Metropolitan Vocational Technical School Committee, Deb Davis has been a stalwart and effective champion for high quality 21st century vocational programs for all students. She has been a member of the MASC Board of Directors since 2009, when she was elected chair of the vocational division (Division VIII), having previously served as its vice chair and secretary. She has also served on a number of MASC Committees including Resolutions and Nominations, and served as a representative to NSBA’s Federal Relations Network and the MA Interscholastic Athletic Association. She is currently serving on the Board Of Directors of the MIAA.

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Bill Fonseca Photo

Bill Fonseca

William Fonseca has been actively involved with MASC since 2011 and is currently serving his first term on the Board of Directors as Chair of Division V (Connecticut Valley Division). Prior to that Mr. Fonseca served as Secretary-Treasurer and Vice-Chair of Division V. He also currently serves on the Legislative Committee and Resolutions Committee representing Division V for MASC.

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Liz Lafond

MASC Experience Field Director, February 2016 – Present Consultant on superintendent searches for Massachusetts school districts (recent): Greenfield, Chicopee, West

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Charter School Guide Preview
Charter School Resources

Fact Sheet: The #TruthAboutCharters

Need a useful guide to some of the key facts and fiction about Massachusetts charter schools? MASC’s new fact sheet uses data from the MASC Who is Being Served by Massachusetts Charter Schools? Report as well as State Auditor Suzanne Bump’s 2014 audit of DESE oversight of charters (pdf).

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Tracy Novick

MASC Experience Field Director, February 2016 – present Specialist on school finance, training on state education funding Manager for social

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