Rural Schools Committee
To study the problems of rural schools and legislative issues and report its recommendations to the Board of Directors. The
Mass. Association of School Committees
To study the problems of rural schools and legislative issues and report its recommendations to the Board of Directors. The
Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) by-laws call for MASC representation on its governing committees. Terms on those committees are determined
To study the problems of regional schools and legislative issues and report its recommendations to the Board of Directors.
The MASC Special Education Committee studies special education issues of concern to school committees. Meetings are scheduled as needed. The
To review and recommend positions on proposed legislation relating to school committees. Meetings are scheduled as needed. 2023 Committee Members
To review and propose measures of assessment appropriate for educator evaluation and student performance. Find the current members of the
To review and decide which informal resolutions (those sponsored by fewer than 7 school committees) are to come before the