Student Travel Regulations

File: JJH


All student trips which include late night or overnight travel must have prior approval of the School Committee. Initial approval by the School Committee is required before engaging students in fundraising activities. The School Committee will also consider the educational value of the trip in relation to the cost prior to granting initial approval. Overnight trips should offer significant educational benefits to students that clearly justify the time and expense of the trip. Such trips should be appropriate for the grade level.

Final approval will not be granted until all preparations for the trip have been completed including, but not limited to, all logistical details involving transportation, accommodation arrangements and fundraising efforts. The School Committee requires that final approval be sought no less than 30 days prior to the scheduled trip dates.

Teachers and other school staff are prohibited from soliciting for privately run trips through the school system and in the schools. The School Committee will only review for approval school-sanctioned trips. The School Committee will not review or approve trips that are privately organized and run without school sanctioning.

Approved: March 10, 2004
Revised: January 18, 1996

Legal Ref.:
CHAPTER 346 OF THE ACTS OF 2002 (et al) approved on October 9, 2002
M.G.L. 69:1B; 71:37N Cross Ref.:
IJOA, Field Trips

File: JJH-R


  1. Transportation
    The use of vans or private automobiles for trips planned to include late night or overnight student travel is prohibited. Late night or overnight trips will use commercial motor coaches.
    Trips planned to include late night or overnight student travel will include a pre-trip check of companies, drivers, and vehicles. CORI checks will be conducted in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, section 38R.

    The Superintendent or designee will ensure that the selected carrier is licensed for passenger transportation by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The district will not contract with any carrier that has a safety rating of “conditional” or “unsatisfactory”. FMCSA ratings are available at

    The contract with the carrier will prohibit the use of subcontractors unless sufficient notice is given to the district that allows verification of the subcontractor’s qualifications.

  2. Trip Scheduling
    Overnight accommodations should be made in advance with student safety and security in mind. Whenever possible, trip schedulers should avoid planning student travel between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m., due to the increased risk of vehicular accidents during this time period.

    Whenever possible, overnight trips should be scheduled on weekends or during school vacations to minimize lost classroom time. Non-academic field trips are considered “optional school programs” and do not count toward meeting structured learning time requirements. (Refer to the Massachusetts Department of Education publication Student Learning Time Regulations Guide.)

    Trip itineraries must leave enough time for drivers to rest in conformity with federal hour-of-service requirements and common sense.

    Trip scheduling should take into account the likelihood of delays due to weather, traffic, stragglers, and other unanticipated factors.

    If substantially all members of a class are participating in a trip, the school should provide appropriate substitute activities for any students not participating.

  3. Fundraising
    The amount of time to be devoted to fundraising should be reasonable and commensurate with students’ obligations for homework, after-school activities, and jobs.

    Group fundraising activities are preferred. Students should not be assigned individual fundraising targets. If students are charged individual fees for participation, every effort should be made to provide scholarships where needed.

APPROVED: March 10, 2004

Legal Ref.:
CHAPTER 346 OF THE ACTS OF 2002 (et al) approved on October 9, 2002
M.G.L. 69:1B; 71:37N; 71:38R 603 CMR 27.00

Cross Ref.:
IJOA, Field Trips