Massachusetts Association of School Committees

People category: Past President

Andrea Wadsworth Photo

Andrea Wadsworth

Andrea Wadsworth is serving the beginning of her seventh year on the Lee School Committee; five of those years were as Chair of the Committee. She has served on the Finance, Negotiations, Shared Services, and Policy subcommittee. She is the current Chair of MASC’s Division VI (Berkshire County). As chair, she has organized semi-annual legislative forums, new member orientations, and presentations on school budget and finance. Andrea has served on the MASC Board of Directors for three years. She also sits on the Budget Committee and Regional Schools Committee.

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Ellen Holmes Photo

B. Ellen Holmes

In her twenty-third year as a member of the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School Committee, Ellen Holmes has been in the forefront of MASC’s drive to advocate for regional school issues, including concerns surrounding transportation, funding and governance. As MASC’s President, she has been a strong proponent for MASC positions on several pivotal Department of Education commissions and working groups, including the Safe & Supportive Schools Commission, Committee of Practitioners, Education Stakeholders Working Group, Adolescent Literacy Task Force and Pilot Schools Conference. Ms. Holmes has also been a forceful advocate on several MASC subcommittees, including Student Assessment; Legislative; Special Education; Advocacy; MIAA-Lacrosse (Boys & Girls); and Regional Schools, for which she served as chair 2004-2018. She has also represented MASC at the State House as a member of the Local Government Advisory Council (’08,’09,’19,’20,’21). In Boston, she has lobbied the legislature for adequate education funding, charter school reforms and regional school district needs.

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Jacob Oliveira Photo

Jacob Oliveira

Having previously served as the Association’s President in 2016, Mr. Oliveira first joined the MASC Board of Directors in 2011 as Chair of Division V (Connecticut Valley), and previously served as the Division’s Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President. He is Chair of MASC’s Resolutions Committee, as well as the Board of Directors Policy Subcommittee. He has participated at numerous state and national education workshops and conferences and organized the first of several MASC division meetings that focused on the new educator and administrator evaluation regulations.

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