Massachusetts Association of School Committees


Contact Information

Board of Directors, Staff

Executive Director

Glenn Koocher

A native of Cambridge, MA, Glenn Koocher served on the Cambridge School Committee from 1974-1986. On the board, he was vice chair, chairs of the Committees on: Budget, Special Education, Student Concerns, and Personnel Policy, and delegate representative to both the Community Schools Commission and the city’s Community Action Program. On the School Committee, he served as budget chair during the implementation of Proposition 2 1/2 and was actively engaged through that city’s multi-year desegregation effort.

The parent of two public school students, including one member of the Class of 2003, Koocher has combined a career of educational advocacy with professional duties in health care and programs for older people. Most recently he served as the Northeast US Regional Manager for Programs and Advocacy for the American Association of Retired Persons.

Mr. Koocher graduated from the Cambridge Public Schools and earned a BA at Harvard College (1971). He is an alumnus of the Harvard Kennedy School Program for State and Local Government Executives and received an MPA from Suffolk University.

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