Massachusetts Association of School Committees

Webinar Discussion: The Impact of Recent Population Trends

The Population Crystal Ball: Who is moving where, when, and what does it mean for your school district? Join nationally-recognized demographer Ron Crouch, currently Director of Research and Statistics for the Kentucky Workforce Development Cabinet, for a webinar discussion of the impact of recent population trends.

Workshop: Demystifying Advocacy

Smith Vocational and Agricultural High school 80 Locust Street, Northampton, MA, United States

Join MASC Division V for this important workshop on how to work with legislators at the state and federal level to continue moving public education forward. MASC Secretary-Treasurer and School Committee member Jason Fraser will be guest speaker.

Workshop: Reviewing and Updating Policy Manuals


Please note: This event will take place virtually on Zoom. The link/call-in number is available below, and will also be sent to your email after registering. If you have questions or wish to modify this registration, please contact Sam Cheesman at

2022 MASC Summer Institute

Join your MASC colleagues at an information-packed summer session that will update you on managing new realities (and challenges) around school committee meetings, leadership, and taking care of yourself in...

MASC 2019 Summer Institute / Equity Summit

Join your MASC colleagues at an information-packed summer institute that will update you on issues around equity and achievement and prepare you to tackle the leadership challenges of the school year ahead. Register for one day or both, but register - you will thank yourself for the rest of the year!

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