Massachusetts Association of School Committees

Category: Member Resources

Member Resources

COSCAP Handbook

Updated October 2021 The following is the index to the handbook of the Massachusetts Council of School Committee Administrative Personnel.

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Resource Publications


This is designed for School Committee/Superintendent teams  to use to develop their own operating protocols.

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Icon of emerging issues
Resource Publications

Emerging Issues in School Governance

This compilation includes some of the emerging and most frequently raised issues on roles and responsibilities of school
committees presented by members and stakeholders in Massachusetts and around the country. It has been developed
specifically for Massachusetts School Committee members.

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Resource Publications

Role of the Chair

A Guide for Present and Future School Committee Chairs We are very pleased to provide this important publication on the

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Resource Publications

Superintendent Evaluation

MASC has prepared a resource for school committee members which includes a comprehensive explanation and guide to a meaningful and manageable Superintendent Evaluation process.

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MASC offers two e-mail discussion lists (also known as “listservs“). Each time you or any member of the list posts a message or a reply to the conversation, it is distributed to the email box of every member on the list. Messages are not screened before they are posted, though they are monitored by the administrator.

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