2023 MASC Legislative Priorities
MASC public policy priorities for public education in 2023 are now available.
Mass. Association of School Committees
MASC public policy priorities for public education in 2023 are now available.
The Annual MASC Delegate Assembly is held each year during the Annual MASC/MASS Joint Conference, at which time new MASC officers are elected and the Delegate Assembly considers resolutions submitted in conformance with the MASC By-Laws.
Use the links below to view the survey responses you previously submitted. To edit your answers, click the pencil icon
The following is a reference describing the recommendations made by the Massachusetts Foundation Budget Review Commission.
The 2018 MISC Survey is now available. Please send completed surveys to Sam Cheesman at scheesman@masc.org or fax or mail
MASC General Counsel Stephen Finnegan has released a legal bulletin addressing the question of whether a school committee member can
The complete and updated list of state and federal unfunded and under-funded mandates is now available from MASC! Please feel
Education advocacy is one of a school committee member’s most powerful, and critical, roles. You are the link between the
MASC publishes a number of documents and periodicals in order to provide our members with appropriate and up to date
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