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Superintendent Search Process

Easy as 1-2-3-4-5

The superintendent search process can be divided into five phases, with the primary responsibilities of the search consultant and the school/search committee clearly delineated. MASC consultants work with the school committee to design as flexible a process as possible while advising the School Committee on legal and regulatory consequences. The chart below outlines the responsibilities and progress of a typical superintendent search from start (Phase 1) to finish (Phase 5).

Note: Key school committee roles are in green.

Phase 1

Leadership Profile Development

  1. Identify success factors, major issues, expectations
  2. Develop job descriptions
  3. Approve leadership profile
  4. Conduct focus groups
  5. Report to School Committee
  6. Approve selection Criteria
  7. Compile salary and benefit data
  8. Prepare publicity materials

Phase 2

Candidate Recruitment

  1. Advertise vacancy
  2. Build candidate files
  3. Coordinate nominations and applications
  4. Conduct reference checks on applicants

Phase 3

Candidate Screening

  1. Screen candidates against selection criteria
  2. Build candidate files
    identify semi-finalist candidates
  3. Inform successful candidates and schedule interviews
  4. Deliver successful candidates to School Committee
  5. Inform unsuccessful candidates
  6. Provide orientation and assist search committee
  7. Select finalists

Phase 4

Committee Evaluation of Finalists

  1. Assist School Committee in preparation for finalist stage and schedule interviews
  2. Conduct reference checks on finalists
  3. Assist Committee in preparation for site visits and final interviews
  4. Conduct site visits
  5. Conduct final interviews

Phase 5


  1. Select next Superintendent and announce appointment
  2. Inform other finalists
  3. Assist School Committee in contract preparation
  4. Negotiate contract and announce agreement
  5. Close search and process materials
  6. Assist with transition to new leadership