Massachusetts Association of School Committees

  • Public Policy Updates: September Board of Ed
    Public Policy Updates: September Board of Ed
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education resumed their regular school year meeting schedule with an evening meeting on Monday, September 23 and a morning meeting on Tuesday, September 24. The agenda for both can be found here. The videos for all meetings can be found on the Department's Vimeo site.. Note also that the…
  • 2024 Report of the Resolutions Committee
    2024 Report of the Resolutions Committee
    Check out the full report here: 2024 MASC Resolutions MASC Members, Superintendents, and Board Administrative Personnel (COSCAP): This message is intended to notify you as early as possible about the items to be presented to the 2024 Delegate Assembly so that school committees may appoint and instruct their delegates. A Delegate Manual for the 2024…
  • MASC Policy Newsletter – July 2024
    MASC Policy Newsletter – July 2024
    MASC Policy Update - July 2024 MASC has revised its model policies and related materials to reflect the US Department of Education’s recent amendments to the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in “Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial…
  • Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
    Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
    On Thursday, July 18, the Budget Conference Committee released its FY25 budget proposal, which was passed by both chambers the following day. On Monday, July 29, Governor Healey signed the FY25 state budget that includes the following.  Within Chapter 70 state aid, the Conference Committee has adopted the House $104 per pupil minimum amount, rather than…
  • Public Policy Reports: June Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Public Policy Reports: June Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 9 AM. Note that the Board had met online the evening for a presentation by Harvard Graduate School of Education Thomas Kane on his "Education Recovery Scorecard," a recording of which can be found here. The…
  • Public Policy Updates: April Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meeting
    Public Policy Updates: April Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meeting
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education held their April meeting at Wellesley High School in recognition of their student member Ela Gardiner, who will graduate from Wellesley High School this spring. The agenda of the meeting is here; the video of the meeting is here. The Board meeting opened with public comment. Beth Kontos,…
  • 2024 Annual Forms Booklet (includes Scholarship App)
    2024 Annual Forms Booklet (includes Scholarship App)
    Annual Forms Booklet Every Spring we send membership a packet of very important material relating to election of officers of the Association, MASC award nominations, volunteers to serve on MASC Committees, and resolutions for our Delegate Assembly in November. This is your chance to offer a nomination, propose a resolution, volunteer to serve, or run…
  • MASC’s 2024 Day on the Hill Legislative Priorities
    MASC’s 2024 Day on the Hill Legislative Priorities
    As the legislature prepares to address the ramifications of the state’s ongoing revenue shortfall, compounded by the cessation of many federal pandemic-related funding assistance programs, MASC puts forward the following priorities for consideration in developing the FY25 state budget, and establishing new policies that will support sustained and appropriate educational funding and equitable opportunities for…
  • Public Policy Updates: March 2024 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Public Policy Updates: March 2024 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education held their regular March meeting on Tuesday, March 26 at 9 am in Everett. The agenda of the meeting can be found here; the video of the meeting is here. This is the first Board meeting at which Acting Commissioner Russell Johnston was in that capacity.   The…
  • MASC Resolutions Set to Expire in November
    MASC Resolutions Set to Expire in November
    In accordance with a new MASC bylaw, all MASC resolutions now expire three years after their initial passage. The list below details the seventeen (17) resolutions that are set to expire in November of 2024. Expiring MASC Resolutions Year Passed Accomplished Expiration Date Pertaining to Educator Diversity and Professional Licensure 2019 No 11/2024 Full Funding…
  • Public Policy Update: Highlights from the Joint Committee on Ways and Means FY25 hearing on local and education aid
    Public Policy Update: Highlights from the Joint Committee on Ways and Means FY25 hearing on local and education aid
    On Friday, March 1, the Joint Committee on Ways and Means regarding education and local aid at Greenfield Community College. Archived video of the six and a half hour hearing can be viewed here. President Mildred Lefebvre offered testimony in concert with MASS on behalf of the Association. The video of her testimony may be…
  • February 2024 meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    February 2024 meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education met for their regular February meeting on February 27, 2024 at 9 am at their new offices in Everett. The agenda of the meeting can be found here; the video of the meeting is here. Members Mohamed and Rouhanifard participated in the meeting remotely; Member Stewart was not…
  • Public Policy Update: January 2024 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Public Policy Update: January 2024 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education held their January meeting on January 24 at the Department's new location in Everett. The agenda of the meeting can be found online here; a livestream of the video of the meeting is here. Governor Maura Healey has appointed Dálida Rocha to the Board for the labor seat.…
  • MASC Policy Newsletter – December 2023
    MASC Policy Newsletter – December 2023
    MASC Policy Update - December 2023 In MASC’s ongoing review of existing policies, we have found that the policies regarding technology are in need of additions and updates. Many of these changes reflect the expanded use of technology both inside and outside the classroom. Several better align policies with their appropriate coding. As part of…
  • November 2023 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    November 2023 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education met virtually on November 21, 2023. The agenda is here; the livestream is here. The meeting opened with public comment. Noah Berger of the Mass Teachers Association called attention to the foundation budget inflation rate, capped by the Student Opportunity Act at 4.5%, noting that it would, if…
  • 2023 Delegate Assembly: Report on Actions Taken
    2023 Delegate Assembly: Report on Actions Taken
    Check out the Full Report Here. MASC’s 78th annual meeting was held at the start of the annual conference in Hyannis, Wednesday, November 8. A total of 108 delegates representing school districts across the state were registered and participated in the deliberations. Following are the actions taken on the eight proposed resolutions, as well as…
  • 2023 Annual Conference Presentations
    2023 Annual Conference Presentations
    Thank you again to all who joined us at the 2023 MASC MASS Joint Conference, "Investing in Equitable School Districts: Moving from Theory to Practice." Your active participation contributed to the success of this event, and we are grateful for your commitment to advancing education in Massachusetts. In addition to over sixty panel sessions, the…
  • Learning Lunch Series: 2023 Delegate Assembly And Resolutions for Consideration
    Learning Lunch Series: 2023 Delegate Assembly And Resolutions for Consideration
    Learning Lunch Series: 2023 Delegate Assembly And Resolutions for Consideration (10/6/2023) Slides Here | Recording Here This workshop provided a comprehensive understanding of the resolutions to be considered at the upcoming MASC Delegate Assembly. MASC Executive Director Glenn Koocher and MASC Vice-President Jason Fraser led the discussion and guided attendees through an analysis of each of the resolutions, which included topics…
  • Public Policy Reports: October 2023 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Public Policy Reports: October 2023 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education met Tuesday, October 24 at 9 am in Malden. The agenda can be found here; the livestream is here. The Board opened with public comment. There was public comment supporting state mandated acceleration policy for gifted students; among those speaking to this issue was a second grader from…
  • Public Policy Update: MSBA Board makes changes enabled by FY24 budget
    Public Policy Update: MSBA Board makes changes enabled by FY24 budget
      The Mass School Building Authority met this morning, and made some significant changes to the programs they oversee, funded by the Fair Share amendment and changes made in the FY24 budget. The first set of changes was to the cost funding limit per square foot that the MSBA will cover in a core project.…
  • Public Policy Updates: September 2023 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Public Policy Updates: September 2023 Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education resumed their school year meeting schedule with a meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 9 am in Malden. The agenda can be found online here; video of the meeting can be viewed here. The Board opened with public comment. Senator Jason Lewis, Senate Chair of the Joint…
  • 2023 Report of the Resolutions Committee
    2023 Report of the Resolutions Committee
    The members of the Resolutions Committee met on July 5, 2022 to consider resolutions proposed by member districts for consideration at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association.
  • MASC Financial Policy Newsletter – September 2023
    MASC Financial Policy Newsletter – September 2023
    Updated MASC Financial Policy - September 2023 We are pleased to bring you what we know are long-awaited updates in model policy language regarding purchasing. These model policies have been rewritten not only in light of Chapter 198 of the Acts of 2022, which went into effect last November, but also in light of the…
  • MASC Policy Newsletter – September 2023
    MASC Policy Newsletter – September 2023
    Updated MASC Policy Reference Manual - September 2023 MASC Field Staff is currently undergoing a comprehensive review of the MASC Policy Reference Manual. Changes as a result of this review are detailed below and copies of these updated policies are available in the Online Policy Reference Manual. We have also posted links to the individual…
  • Legislative Update: Senate action on supplemental budget
    The state senate has approved a supplemental budget bill authorizing $513 million.  This contrasts with the $693 million that the House of Representatives had approved earlier this month.  A conference committee must now work out the differences. The bills add more spending tied to a fiscal year where tax revenues through May fell well short…
  • Public Policy Update: June Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meeting
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education had their final meeting of the school year on Tuesday, June 27 in Malden. The agenda can be found online here. In opening the meeting, Chair Katherine Craven welcomed incoming student member Ella Gardner of Wellesley, and announced the appointment and welcomed new Board member Professor Ericka Fisher.…
  • Public Policy Updates: May Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education met on May 23 at 9 am. The agenda is here,  The Board opened with two public comments, both on topics they have previously spoken on: one relating what they see as lacks in the state's gifted education to the meeting presentation on the vision of the Department…
  • U.S. House Proposals Could Hurt Children, Borrowers, and Undermine Education in Massachusetts
    Update from MASC President Stacey Rizzo and MASC Executive Director Glenn Koocher The ongoing stalemate in lifting the debt ceiling puts at risk the nation’s full faith and credit and would impose cuts that could hurt children and undermine education, raise costs for families, and set back economic growth. It would also mean lashing critical…
  • MASC Policy Newsletter – March 2023
    MASC Policy Newsletter – March 2023
    Updated MASC Policy Reference Manual - March 2023 MASC Field Staff is currently undergoing a comprehensive review of the MASC Policy Reference Manual. Changes as a result of this review are detailed below and copies of these updated policies are available in the Online Policy Reference Manual. We have also posted links to the individual…
  • FY24 Chapter 70 Aid and Charter Reimbursement
    FY24 Chapter 70 Aid and Charter Reimbursement
    The Massachusetts Department of Education has posted the preliminary estimates of Chapter 70 school aid and net school spending requirements for FY2024, based on the Governor's proposed budget. Download the budget document here, or view the details on their website.
  • 2023 MASC Legislative Priorities
    2023 MASC Legislative Priorities
    MASC public policy priorities for public education in 2023 are now available. 2023 Legislative Priorities include: Full funding for the Student Opportunity Act Children's Services Safety Net Full funding for the Special Education Circuit Breaker Establishing Regional Reserve Assessment Funds and Expanding Vocational Education Reserve Funds as approved by the MASC Delegate Assembly Reforming of…
  • * MASC Staff is Available for Your Questions and Guidance *
    * MASC Staff is Available for Your Questions and Guidance *
    Due to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), in consultation with the MASC Board of Directors, many of the MASC staff are currently working remotely.
  • MASC Policy Newsletter – September 2022
    MASC Policy Newsletter – September 2022
    Policy Update for September 2022 Policy Newsletter for September 2022 – Updated Model Policies for District Finance Section D – Fiscal Policies KCD – Public Gifts to the Schools
  • 2022 Report of the Resolutions Committee
    2022 Report of the Resolutions Committee
    The members of the Resolutions Committee met on July 5, 2022 to consider resolutions proposed by member districts for consideration at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association.
  • Special August meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Special August meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
     The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education held a special meeting on Monday, August 15 at noon. The agenda can be found here; the video of the meeting is here.  The Board opened with public comment, much of which focused on the proposal to raise the MCAS score required to fulfill the state's competency determination…
  • Lunch and Learn: recording
    Lunch and Learn: recording
    COSCAP: February 3, 2022 presentation from Zoom. Samantha Garcia goes over how to organize/share Google Drive documents, etc.
  • June meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    June meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
    The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education had their regular June meeting on June 28 at 9 am. The agenda is online here; the video of the meeting is available here.  Commissioner Jeffrey Riley participated remotely, as he has COVID.
  • MA Association of Student Representatives Conference
    MA Association of Student Representatives Conference
    Do you have a student representative on your school committee? If so, the Massachusetts Association of Student Representatives (with the help of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees) will be hosting a Spring Student Representative conference on Saturday, May 14th at Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School.
  • School Committee Student Representative Handbook
    School Committee Student Representative Handbook
    MASC worked with Student School Committee Representatives to develop a resource for students serving on the School Committee including important protocols, parliamentary procedures, and advice on how to maximize effectiveness.
  • COSCAP Elects 2022-2023 Slate of Officers
    COSCAP Elects 2022-2023 Slate of Officers
    COSCAP held its annual meeting virtually on February 3, 2022. The Council elected the Executive Committee for the next two years. Plans for the MASC Annual Conference sessions and professional development workshops are underway for 2022.
  • Elementary Civics Curriculum: Children Discovering Justice
    Elementary Civics Curriculum: Children Discovering Justice
    Children Discovering Justice is a K-5 standards-based civics curriculum developed by Discovering Justice to support and enhance social studies, literacy, and SEL instruction.
  • Update to SRO MOU Commission Survey
    Update to SRO MOU Commission Survey
    The public input survey: Model School Resource Officer MOU Commission Public Input is now available in multiple languages. In the upper right hand corner of the survey, you will see a globe with the word English next to it on a drop down menu. By clicking on the drop down menu, survey participants can select…
  • Report of the Resolutions Committee
    Report of the Resolutions Committee
    Click here to download
  • SRO MOU Commission Public Input Survey
    SRO MOU Commission Public Input Survey
    The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in partnership with Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) are co-chairing the School Resource Officer (SRO) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Commission.
  • Policy Update: EBCFA – Face Coverings
    Policy Update: EBCFA – Face Coverings
    During the next few weeks, School Committees will be deciding whether masks will be required on school property for all or some students and staff in the 2021-2022 school year.
  • Understanding the Difference Between Critical Race Theory and Educational Equity
    Understanding the Difference Between Critical Race Theory and Educational Equity
    School Committees throughout Massachusetts are becoming aware of the emergence of Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a matter of controversy.
  • Coronavirus News: Thursday, June 17, 2021
    Coronavirus News: Thursday, June 17, 2021
    After enrollment dips, America's schools hope for fall rebound (Chalkbeat) To get billions in aid, states focus on mental health, learning recovery (EdWeek)
  • Coronavirus News: Thursday, June 10, 2021
    Coronavirus News: Thursday, June 10, 2021
    Here's what you need to know about the COVID-19 Delta variant (Boston Globe) Framingham schools use bikes as an alternative way to get to school (Metrowest Daily News) Haverhill officials shift gears on eighth grade events (Eagle Tribune) Tewksbury parents urge School Committee to eliminate elementary mask mandate next year (Lowell Sun)    
  • Sexual Harassment Policy Under Development
    Sexual Harassment Policy Under Development
    Schools have legal obligations to address sexual harassment under both federal (Title IX) and state (MGL c. 76, s. 5; c. 151C, s. 2) law. Schools must have policies and procedures that comply with both sets of obligations. Federal regulations concerning sexual harassment have recently changed. A new template policy that will cover both federal…

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