Letter to Members: 2020 MASC/MASS Joint Conference Update

Dear School Committee Members and Superintendents:

None of us could have anticipated how much COVID-19 has disrupted our plans for 2020.
We have all been working under extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances that have
forced us to adapt and deal with the implications of the pandemic, including the social contract
with students and each other that we have valued over the years.

Regrettably, due to the anticipated limits on large gatherings, requirements to preserve public
health practices, reluctance of exhibitors, and the loss of access to our convention venue,
we will not be able to host our Annual MASC/MASS Joint Conference that was originally
scheduled for November 4-7, 2020.

We do hope to conduct our annual Delegate Assembly and Business Meeting and will be
forwarding those details to you shortly.

As an alternative, we plan on scheduling a series of programs and workshops to be provided
online that will provide timely and updated information on issues that mean a lot to you and
guide us through the rest of the recovery.

You will be receiving shortly a schedule of professional development training programs from
MASS and MASC that will be available without charge to all our members in the hope that the
content you looked forward to in November will get directly you in the safety of your homes
and offices.

None of this is an adequate replacement for the excitement and enthusiasm we try to provide
at a live convention. We will begin planning for 2021 immediately in the hope that next year,
the Joint Conference will return as the outstanding social, learning, networking, and professional
development experience that our members have ranked one of the most important
events of the year.

In the meantime, please watch your e-mail and your mailbox for the schedule of important
sessions that will help you cope better with the work we have to do.

Deborah Davis
President, MASC

Robert Baldwin
President, MASS