2021 Annual Cape Cod Collaborative Legislative Breakfast

An Interactive Forum Regarding Educational Issues

The 2021 Annual Cape Cod Collaborative Legislative Breakfast will occur (virtually) on Friday, February 12th from 8:30AM until Noon via Zoom.

This annual event is co-sponsored by the Board of the Cape Cod Collaborative and MASC Division VII.

We anticipate substantial attendance by School Committees, school district administrators and local officials from the region.

The anticipated arrival for the legislative delegation is 9:00AM and have integrated that timing into the agenda.

  • 8:30am: “Log On”, Overview & Informal Discussion
  • 8:45am: Welcome
    Paul C. Hilton, Cape Cod Collaborative
    Nicole Bartlett, MASC Division VII
    Introductory Comments
    John Furnari, Chair, Cape Cod Collaborative Board of Directors
    Robert Sanborn, Cape & Islands School Superintendents
  • 9:00 – 10:00am: Facilitated Legislative Forum
    9:00: Introductions
    9:15: Regional Challenges – Break Out Discussion
    9:45: Reconvene & Discussion
  • 10:00 – 10:30am: Summary & Next Steps
  • 10:30am: MASC Division VII Discussion – Racial Equity

Please confirm your planned attendance with Julie DeBenedictis (j.debenedictis@capecodcollaborative.org) to ensure appropriate planning.

The Zoom link information will be share with the RSVP.